Automate Infrastructure in Azure using Terraform and Azure DevOps

Automating infrastructure setup in Azure Cloud using Terraform and Azure DevOps is a powerful approach to managing your infrastructure as code (IaC). This allows you to define and manage your Azure resources programmatically, version control your infrastructure configurations, and automate the deployment process.  We will be creating a Java based WebApp(app service) in Azure cloud using Terraform and automate the […]

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Here’s an example of Terraform code to deploy Azure Virtual Desktop resources

Configure the Azure provider provider “azurerm” {features {}} Create a resource group resource “azurerm_resource_group” “rg” {name = “my-resource-group”location = “westus”} Create a virtual network resource “azurerm_virtual_network” “vnet” {name = “my-virtual-network”address_space = [“”]location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.locationresource_group_name =} Create a subnet resource “azurerm_subnet” “subnet” {name = “my-subnet”resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.namevirtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.vnet.nameaddress_prefixes = [“”]} Create an Azure Virtual Desktop host pool resource “azurerm_virtual_desktop_host_pool” […]

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WPScan – A Black Box WordPress Vulnerability Scanner

WordPress is all over the web; it’s the most popular and most used content management system (CMS) out there. Is your website or blog is powered by WordPress? Did you know that malicious hackers are always attacking WordPress sites every minute? If you didn’t, now you know. The first step towards securing your website or blog is to perform a vulnerability assessment. […]

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Getting Started with Infrastructure as Code

What is IaC? When you are new to the cloud, your early interactions are via the web portals such for Microsoft Azure or for Amazon Web Services. This is ideal for at the start, because it’s interactive and follows a step-wise approach to resource creation which is great for learning. However, when scale, automation and repetition is required, using a portal is […]

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How To Set Up And Run Kafka On Kubernetes

What is Apache Kafka? Kafka is a messaging system that collects and processes extensive amounts of data in real-time, making it a vital integrating component for applications running in a Kubernetes cluster. The efficiency of applications deployed in a cluster can be further augmented with an event-streaming platform such as Apache Kafka. This in-depth tutorial shows you how to configure a Kafka server on […]

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How to Install a Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS 8

Logical Architecture Our installation is designed to have the Master-Node controlling the Worker Nodes. At the end of this installation, our logical architecture will look something like this. Master Node – This machine generally acts as the control plane and runs the cluster database and the API server (which the kubectl CLI communicates with). Our 3-node Kubernetes Cluster will look something like this: Installation of Kubernetes […]

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How to Install Docker on CentOS 8

What is Docker? Before we begin, let’s describe what Docker is. Docker is a set of virtualization tools that allows us to create, test, and deploy containerized applications quickly and easily on a dedicated server. It has become very popular and used almost everywhere in our daily lives. Thanks to containerization, we can quickly launch applications on different private cloud host platforms utilizing […]

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Kubernetes (K8s) Overview

Given the importance of Kubernetes in today’s environment, we wanted to give you a “one stop shop” where you can learn any information you may need. What is Kubernetes? Simply put, Kubernetes, or K8s, is a container orchestration system. In other words, when you use K8s, a container based application can be deployed, scaled, and managed automatically. The objective of Kubernetes container […]

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Docker Container Overview

What is Docker — Introduction to Docker Container TL;DR Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in same ways you manage your applications. You can ship, test, and deploy code quickly, and significantly reduce delay between writing code and running it in production. The whole […]

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