How to Update the EmployeeOrgData Value on Entra ID Users

In this article, I’ll explain how to update the EmployeeOrgData for Entra ID users, which includes the Division and CostCenter properties. These properties are typically synchronized from an on-premises Active Directory environment via Entra Connect, but you can also set them using the PowerShell Graph module. Below, I’ll provide an example of how to do this. Updating EmployeeOrgData The PowerShell code below first connects to Graph using the User.ReadWrite scope, […]

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Deploy Azure-Firewall-mon to a Static Web App

Overview​ Azure-Firewall-mon (AFM or Azure Firewall Monitor) is a custom solution (currently in a functional beta) created by an Italian Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect called: Nicola Delfino, its worth mentioning that although a Microsoft CSA makes AFM, IT IS NOT A SUPPORTED MICROSOFT PRODUCT. Monitoring Azure Firewall can be a pain – with trawling through logs – using the Azure Firewall Workbook – helps fill in the gap […]

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Build a docker image in a self-hosted agent running on Azure Container Instances

How can a self-hosted agent running on Azure Container Instances create a docker image? Even while the question may seem simple, it is difficult. Suppose you’ve already set up a self-hosted agent on an Azure Container Instance (ACR); You run a pipeline with a simple docker image and … you get the below error: Unable to locate executable file: ‘docker’. […]

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Self-hosted agent on Linux created in 3 minutes

Self-hosted agent on Linux In some cases is necessary, for example, you need to integrate with VNET – because the resources you want to access are not publicly accessible. This can be a storage account, container registry, or many others. Using my instruction you build and run a self-hosted agent in 3 minutes. In that scenario you must: Build and push […]

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PowerShell script to export/import the Azure Firewall Policy rules

Here’s a PowerShell script to export the Azure Firewall Policy rules from the East US region and import them to the West US region. The script assumes you have the necessary Azure modules installed and are authenticated. Explanation: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to access and modify Azure Firewall policies and that the Azure PowerShell module is installed […]

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Automate Infrastructure in Azure using Terraform and Azure DevOps

Automating infrastructure setup in Azure Cloud using Terraform and Azure DevOps is a powerful approach to managing your infrastructure as code (IaC). This allows you to define and manage your Azure resources programmatically, version control your infrastructure configurations, and automate the deployment process.  We will be creating a Java based WebApp(app service) in Azure cloud using Terraform and automate the […]

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How to deploy an Azure Virtual Desktop environment using PowerShell

To deploy an Azure Virtual Desktop environment using PowerShell, you need to perform the following steps: That’s it! You have now deployed an Azure Virtual Desktop environment using PowerShell. Please note that some parameter values, such as resource group name, location, virtual network details, and user principal names, should be replaced with your specific values.

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Here’s an example of Terraform code to deploy Azure Virtual Desktop resources

Configure the Azure provider provider “azurerm” {features {}} Create a resource group resource “azurerm_resource_group” “rg” {name = “my-resource-group”location = “westus”} Create a virtual network resource “azurerm_virtual_network” “vnet” {name = “my-virtual-network”address_space = [“”]location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.locationresource_group_name =} Create a subnet resource “azurerm_subnet” “subnet” {name = “my-subnet”resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.namevirtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.vnet.nameaddress_prefixes = [“”]} Create an Azure Virtual Desktop host pool resource “azurerm_virtual_desktop_host_pool” […]

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