Remote Wipe Phones Connected to Exchange Online

This can be used by both the administrator and the user of the device.

By the user:

  1. Login to OWA (
  2. Click Options (top right)
  3. Click See all options…
  4. Click Phone (Left hand side)
  5. Select your Device
  6. Click Wipe Device

At this point you will get a few more prompts making sure that you want to wipe the device.

By the Administrator:

  1. Login to the MOP (
  2. Open the ECP (Exchange Control Panel)
  3. Find and Double Click the user, to open the Properties
  4. Expand Phone & Voice Features
  5. Double Click Exchange ActiveSync
  6. Select the Device
  7. Click Wipe Device

At this point you will get a few more prompts making sure that you want to wipe the device.