O365: Delete specific email from sender to mailboxes

Here’s a PowerShell script that uses the Exchange Online PowerShell module to delete a specific email from multiple mailboxes. This script searches for an email with the specified subject line sent from the specified sender and deletes it. Before running the script, ensure you have the Exchange Online PowerShell module installed and have the necessary permissions to search and delete […]

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How to Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell via v2 Module

In this article, you will learn how to prepare to use the EXO V2 module to run Exchange Online unattended scripts with app-only modern authentication. You’ll learn how to: Register a new app in Azure Active Directory and enable its service principal. Assign API permissions and roles. Generate and upload a self-signed certificate. Use the app and certificate to authenticate and […]

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Get a List of Shared Mailboxes Members and Permissions

If you want to get a list of members from an O365 shared mailbox using powershell, you can run either command to do so: Get-Mailbox “Shared Mailbox Name” | Get-MailboxPermission | where {$_.user.tostring() -ne “NT AUTHORITY\SELF” -and $_.IsInherited -eq $false} | Format-Table Identity, User, AccessRights –AutoSize OR Get-Mailbox “Shared Mailbox name” -ResultSize:Unlimited | Get-MailboxPermission |Select-Object Identity,User,AccessRights | Where-Object {($_.user -like […]

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PowerShell: Email me when Disk Space is running low on my Windows Servers (w/ SQL Server Integration)

Have you ever ran into a situation where your disk space on your Windows Server were running low and you had to constantly remote into the server to check the disk space? Now, imagine if you had to do this for 10-100 servers! holy crap. With this PowerShell script you can get an email notification when your disk space is […]

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Disable the Clutter feature in O365 mailboxes

To disabled the clutter feature in a user’s O365 mailbox run the following command:   Turn off Clutter for single user Get-Mailbox –identity someone@somewhere.com | Set-Clutter -enable $false    OR   Single mailbox: Set-Clutter -Identity <user name> -Enable $false      If you want to disable this feature for all users in your tenant as an admin, you can do this with […]

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Delete all Calendar events from a mailbox

Connect to O365 using powershell first   Open PowerShell or EMS If this is an O365 mailbox, you will need to connect to the O365 environment Connect to Exchange On-line From the PowerShell console on an Exchange 2010 server: $Cred = Get-Credential  $s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection  Import-PSSession $s    Then run this command in powershell: Search-Mailbox -identity “UsersMailbox” -SearchQuery kind:meetings -DeleteContent   

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How to copy old user’s mailbox to another user’s mailbox on Office 365 and Exchange Server using PowerShell

You will come across the issue with leavers mailboxes needing to be transferred to another users mailbox. If you are looking after on-site exchange, then the process is slightly shorter as you don’t need to connect to the remote Powershell.   To connect to O365 first run this PS command: $Cred = Get-Credential  $s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic […]

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Bulk import email aliases to Office 365 using Powershell

If you need to add email aliases to O365 accts in bulk use the following (EMS) powershell command with the CSV file formatted this way:   Name ProxyAddresses user1@domainold.com user1@domainnew.com   Run this in EMS: Import-Csv C:\email-aliases.csv | ForEach-Object{ $name = $_.Name }  Import-Csv C:\email-aliases.csv | ForEach-Object{ $proxy = $_.ProxyAddresses -split ‘;’}  Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity $name -EmailAddresses @{add= $proxy}    OR   Get the display name and email […]

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Understanding In-Place Hold and Litigation Hold in Exchange

Litigation Hold was first introduced in Exchange 2010 and is designed to preserve all items in a mailbox indefinitely for the purposes of e-discovery. Litigation Hold can be applied to mailboxes or distribution groups. When a user’s mailbox is put on Litigation Hold, they are still able to delete items, but Exchange retains the deleted items indefinitely with immutability. For […]

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Virtualizing Microsoft Exchange Tips and Tricks

Are you looking at reducing hardware cost and utilizing your virtualization infrastructure to run your Exchange servers? Are you still on edge about virtualizing a mailbox role or unified messaging role? Today I’ll be sharing some tips for virtualizing Microsoft Exchange that I’ve picked up over the years – hopefully some of them may help ease your Exchange anxiety. Virtualization and Exchange are […]

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