Useful PowerShell Scripts/Commands
Step 1: Get-Help, Get-Command, Get-Member and Get-Alias
Thanks to Justin for pointing out that I left out probably the most useful command. Get-Help. I’ve added some of my other favorite commands for learning as well, which I still use almost daily.
Get-Help is an amazingly useful command and is quite versatile.
Get-Help Get-WMIObject – Will output basic help and tips on a command but Get-Help has many useful parameters or switches;
-Full (Is the full help document)
-Examples (Shows only examples of how to use the command, my personal favourite)
-Online (Opens the MSDN page for the cmdlet or command)
-ShowWindow (This puts the help into its own window)
Get-Command is another great learning tool, think something might be a command? Use Get-Command to find out. It accepts wildcards as well. A great example is;
Get-Command -Name Get-* (May be a bit overwhelming looking but most of PowerShells cmdlets are pretty self explanatory)
The most common verbs if you will, in my opinion anyway are;
You can use the above Get-Command example on any and all of those.
Get-Member is probably my second most used command when I’m writing a script or even making a one-liner (a one-liner is basically a one lined script)
It’s the tool to use if you want to see every single property, method, and basically everything that’s stored inside of a variable that you create(Please feel free to chime in if I’ve explained that incorrectly). Here’s an example;
$Object=Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
$Object | Get-Member
(I’d paste the output in here but it’s going to be formatted very poorly so I suggest you try it out yourself)
Get-Alias is great for when you’re trying to search for a solution and come across one but the author is using what I call shorthand for commands which is great if you already know it. An example would be gwmi, if you’re unfamiliar with PowerShell that probably won’t mean anything to you, that’s where Get-Alias comes in. Here’s an example.
Get-Alias -Name gwmi
The output of that command will tell you that gwmi is an alias of the command Get-WMIObject
Step 2: Quickly get the Computer Name, Model, Make, and other useful information
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
information about the System
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_BIOS
Information about the BIOS
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Baseboard
Information about the Motherboard
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Processor
Information about the CPU
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk
Information about Logical Drives (Includes mapped drives and I believe PSDrives)
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive
Information about Physical Drives
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory
Information about the Memory
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter
Information about the NIC
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Information about the NIC’s Configuration
You can also shortform the command from;
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem into gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem
Note – Some may not know, I didn’t know at first but PowerShell is NOT case sensitive with the exception of a few special cases, from what I recall. I just like how neat it looks.
Step 3: Check your PowerShell Version
To the best of my knowledge the important bit you’re looking for is the “PSVersion”.
Step 4: Restart all Network Adapters *Must be run as admin or at least local admin*
Requires PowerShell 3.0+
Get-NetAdapter | Restart-NetAdapter
Step 5: You can browse UNC path with PowerShell
Unless I’ve been doing something wrong, you cannot browse UNC with command prompt.
To access UNC via PowerShell simply type;
cd \\servername\C$\Path\To\File
You will of course need the appropriate permissions to do this, just like in Explorer.
Step 6: Copy a file to all users Desktop’s
I know you can do this with GPO but if you need to do it quickly or just a one off, or for specific people this usually does the trick.
$Users = Get-ChildItem C:\Users\ -Exclude “Administrator”,”Public”,”Default*” # Exclude any other defaults that you don’t want.
foreach($User in ${
$Path = “C:\Users\$User\Desktop”;
Copy-Item -Path “\\Path\To\Source\File.txt” -Destination $Path\File.txt
Step 7: Function for adding a system restart with a prompt for users.
Function RestartPrompt {
$Prompt1 = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox(“IT is rebooting your machine. Please save and close any open work, if you wish to cancel the reboot please hit cancel.”, “OKCancel,Information”,”IT”)
if ($Prompt1 -eq “Ok”) {
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox(“Reboot will occur in 5 minutes.”, “OkOnly,Information”,”IT”)
shutdown /r /t 300
if ($Prompt1 -eq “Cancel”) {
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox(“Reboot has been canceled.”, “OKOnly,Information”,”IT”)
Step 8: Get free disk space on drives
This can either be run locally or part of a larger script to hit multiple machines.
$Drive=Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter “DriveType = 3”
$ComputerName=Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem;$ComputerName=$ComputerName.Name
$UsedSpace=$DriveSize – $FreeSpace;$UsedSpace=[string]$UsedSpace+” GB free on drive $DriveName on computer $ComputerName”
Step 9: Monitor Windows Server Backup
I’m quite proud of this, it’s worked well for me for a while and hopefully someone else can use it.
This works on Windows Server 2008R2+ and needs the Windows Server Backup feature installed along with the command line tools. I believe the command line tools comes as part of the feature in Server 2012.
You can set up the use of SSL and credentials if you choose to as well.
$Date=Get-Date; $Date=$Date.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString()
$ErrorDesc=Get-WBJob -Previous 1; $ErrorDesc=$ErrorDesc.ErrorDescription
Date: $LastSuccessfulBackup
Backups Available: $Versions
Last Backup: Failed
Date: $LastBackup
Reason: $ErrorDesc
Last Backup: Failed
Date: $LastBackup
Last Successful Backup: $LastSuccessfulBackup
Reason: $ErrorDesc
if($LastBackupResult -eq 0){
Send-MailMessage -To “” -From “” -Subject “Backup Successful – $ENV:COMPUTERNAME” -Body $SuccessfulBackupBody -SmtpServer YourSMTPServer
elseif($LastBackupResult -ne 0 -or $LastSuccessfulBackup -lt $Date){
if($LastSuccessfulBackupTime -lt $Date){
Send-MailMessage -To “” -From “” -Subject “Backup Failed – $ENV:COMPUTERNAME” -Body $RecurringFailedBackupBody -SmtpServer YourSMTPServer
Send-MailMessage -To “” -From “” -Subject “Backup Failed – $ENV:COMPUTERNAME” -Body $FailedBackupBody -SmtpServer YourSMTPServer
Well hopefully these were helpful to some people and maybe a few people got to learn something new.