AWS — Serverless services on AWS

Getting Started with AWS Serverless Computing Serverless is the native architecture of the cloud that enables you to shift more of your operational responsibilities to AWS, increasing your agility and innovation. Serverless allows you to build and run applications and services without thinking about servers. It eliminates infrastructure management tasks such as server or cluster provisioning, patching, operating system maintenance, […]

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AWS — Difference between CloudWatch and CloudTrail

CloudWatch vs CloudTrail in AWS CloudWatch focuses on the activity of AWS services and resources, reporting on their health and performance. CloudTrail is a log of all actions that have taken place inside your AWS environment. CloudWatch: AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to collect and […]

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AWS — Amazon SNS Overview

Introduction to Amazon Simple Notification Service TL;DR: AWS SNS is a web service that coordinates and manages the delivery or sending of messages to subscribing endpoints or clients. And makes it easy to set up, operate, and send a notification from the cloud. It provides developers with the highly scalable, cost-effective, and flexible capability to publish messages from an application […]

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AWS — Difference between EBS and Instance Store

EBS (Elastic Block Store) vs Instance Store in AWS TL;DR EBS volume is network attached drive which results in slow performance but data is persistent meaning even if you reboot the instance data will be there. Instance store instance store provides temporary block-level storage for your instance. This storage is located on disks that are physically attached to the host computer. EC2 Storage […]

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AWS — Difference between SQS and SWF

SQS (Simple Queue Service) vs SWF (Simple Workflow Service) in AWS TL;DR: SQS is a service that allows you to queue messages giving you the ability to de-couple your environment. SQS will store and hold these messages in a highly scalable environment to be processed by another service or application as required. SWF is a different service altogether, it’s used to help […]

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Amazon Web Services – Basic Architecture

This is the basic structure of AWS EC2, where EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. EC2 allow users to use virtual machines of different configurations as per their requirement. It allows various configuration options, mapping of individual server, various pricing options, etc. We will discuss these in detail in AWS Products section. Following is the diagrammatic representation of the architecture. Note − In the […]

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Create and launch Clear Linux from Amazon Web Services

This tutorial walks you through creating and launching a Clear Linux AMI instance from the AWS console and complete the following tasks: Locate and select the Clear Linux OS Basic AMI in the AWS Marketplace. Create a new public and private key pair to allow you to connect to your Clear Linux instance securely. Launch the new Clear Linux instance and connect to it. […]

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