Using Pathping

One of my favorite Windows tools is pathping. Pathping is a Windows based command-line tool used to provide information about the path data takes to its intended destination, network latency and network loss at intermediate hops between a source and destination. We will cover what latency is as well as what hops are and so on within this article. We […]

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Using Tracert

Tracert (also known as traceroute) is a Windows based tool that allows you to help test your network infrastructure. In this article we will look at how to use tracert while trying to troubleshoot real world problems. This will help to reinforce the tool’s usefulness and show you ways in which to use it when working on your own networks. […]

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The Importance of Network Redundancy

An in depth view of current technology and strategies used to create redundancy in your WAN and how to properly design, implement, monitor and test in case of any disaster that may occur as well as covering briefly other redundancy options. Introduction Now more than ever, today’s businesses require reliable network connectivity and access to corporate resources. Connections to and […]

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An Introduction to Ethernet Switching

When you stop to think how well the internet is put together, you start to wonder how the internet coexists with all the chaos that results from broadcasts, data collision, and data loops. Yet, despite the odds, the internet is still (currently) alive and thriving today. But what can we attribute this achievement to? As you’ll find in the coming […]

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A Guide to Network Topology

A network topology is how computers, printers, and other devices are connected over a network. It describes the layout of wires, devices, and routing paths. Essentially there are six different common topologies you should familiarize yourself with: Bus, Ring, Star, Extended Star, Hierarchical, and Mesh. Although it is usually easier to start connecting wires and setting up your network, you’ll […]

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