Free or Open Network Solutions

Introduction There are endless free and open source software solutions and services out there for use in the network—for small, medium, and enterprise environments. You aren’t limited to Microsoft, Cisco, and other commercial giants. You can save money by using free, open source, or less expensive solutions. Here I’ll share a couple you might consider. Vyatta Enterprise-level Firewall/Router Vyatta is […]

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Router Troubleshooting Primer

In this article we will take a look at the proper steps to troubleshooting routing problems. Although this methodology and approach can be used in just about any troubleshooting scenario, we will focus our exercise on routing. A router is a device that determines the path from a source to a destination. A router is the default gateway for a […]

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Using Pathping

One of my favorite Windows tools is pathping. Pathping is a Windows based command-line tool used to provide information about the path data takes to its intended destination, network latency and network loss at intermediate hops between a source and destination. We will cover what latency is as well as what hops are and so on within this article. We […]

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